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Who We Are

Who We Are

Food for All Oregonians is a community-led coalition working to ensure everyone can access the food we need to thrive

Food access has statewide, bipartisan support

Since our founding in 2022, Food for All Oregonians has grown to a coalition of 180+ organizations and thousands of advocates across the state – from Portland to Ontario.

State lawmakers on both sides of the aisle supported Food for All Oregonians in the 2023 legislative session, including 17 legislative sponsors. Now, we are building even more momentum to pass Food for All Oregonians in 2025 with 21 legislator sponsors and strong bipartisan support.

Community-led solutions to hunger

The best anti-hunger strategies are led by communities with lived experience. To shape Food for All Oregonians legislation, we conducted listening sessions, one-on-one meetings and large-scale surveys statewide with community members who have experienced hunger themselves — drawing perspectives from diverse immigrant and refugee communities.

Get to know Food for All Oregonians

Steering Committee members

Adelante Mujeres

Adelante Mujeres provides holistic education and empowerment opportunities to marginalized Latina women and families to ensure full participation and active leadership in the community.


APANO Communities United Fund (CUF) — also known as APANO — unites Asians and Pacific Islanders to build power, develop leaders, and advance equity through organizing, advocacy, community development and cultural work.

Afghan Support Network

Afghan Support Network works with resettlement agencies, nonprofits, government agencies, and other organizations to ensure Afghan refugees and Afghan Americans receive the wrap-around services they need to succeed and thrive in their communities.

Micronesian Islander Community

Our mission is to organize social justice programs, preserve our cultures, and enhance leadership through unifying our diverse communities. We aim to respectfully lead the way to empower Micronesian and Pacific Islander communities to be successful while preserving and navigating cultural heritage.

Oregon Food Bank (Convener)

Our mission is to eliminate hunger and its root causes… because no one should be hungry.

Oregon Latino Health Coalition

The Oregon Latino Health Coalition advances the health of Latinos through policy, advocacy, and prevention.

Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon

Partners for a Hunger-Free Oregon envisions an Oregon where everyone is healthy and thriving, with access to affordable, nourishing, and culturally appropriate food. To bring that vision into reality, we raise awareness about hunger, connect people to nutrition programs, and advocate for systemic changes.


Our mission is to empower farmworkers and working Latinx families in Oregon by building community, increasing Latinx representation in elections, and policy advocacy on both the national and state levels.

Plaza de Nuestra Comunidad

Aims to empower Latino families by providing opportunities and creating connections to strengthen our community in Lane County.

Unite Oregon

Led by people of color, immigrants and refugees, rural communities, and people experiencing poverty, we work across Oregon to build a unified intercultural movement for justice.

Meet our coalition of partners

1st Baptist HOPE Food Pantry

211 Info

Accent Network

Access Care Anywhere


Adelante Mujeres

Afghan Support Network

Afghanistan Oregon Association


African Refugee Immigrant Organization (ARIO)

African Youth & Community Organization (ayco)


Arab American Cultural Center of Oregon

ARISE and Shine

Basic Rights Oregon (BRO)

Beyond Toxics

Black Oregon Land Trust

Blanchet House of Hospitality


Capaces Leaderhsip Institute

Cascades Aid Project (CAP)

Catholic Charities of Oregon

Catholic Community Services of Lane County (CCSLC)

Central City Concern

Centro Cultural

Children's Agenda

Children's Institute

Clackamas Community College

Clackamas Service Center

Clay Street Table

Columbia Gorge Education Service District

Columbia Gorge Women's Action Network

Community Alliance of Lane County (CALC)

Community for Positive Aging - Asian Food Pantry

Community Pulse Association

Consejo Hispano

Consolidated Oregon Indivisible Network

Eastern Oregon Association for the Education of Young Children (EOAEYC)

Eastern Oregon Center for Independent Living (EOCIL)

Eat Drink Washington County

Ecumenical Ministries of Oregon

Educate Ya

Estacada Area Food Bank

Ethiopian and Eritrean Cultural and Resource Center

Eugene-Springfield SURJ

Metro Council

Micronesian Islander Community (MIC Oregon)

Milwaukie Spanish SDA Church

Montavilla Farmers Market

Muslim Educational Trust

National Partnership for New Americans

Neighborhood House

New Seasons

Next Up Action Fund

Nonprofit Association of Oregon

North Coast Food Web

Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides

Northwest Family Services

NOWIA Unete Center for Farm Worker Advocacy

Nutrition Garden RX

OneAdonaI (we help!)

Ontario Mini Market


Oregon Association of Relief Nurseries (OARN)

Oregon Center for Public Policy (OCPP)

Oregon Farm to School & School Garden Network

Oregon Food Bank

Oregon Health Equity Alliance

Oregon Human Development Corporation

Oregon Hunger Task Force

Oregon Just Transition Alliance

Oregon Latino Health Coalition (OLHC)

Oregon Law Center (OLC)

Oregon League of Conservation Voters (OLCV)

Oregon Organic Coalition

Oregon Public Health Association

Oregon Rural Action

Oregon School Based Health Alliance

Oregon State University-Extension

Oregon Synod

Oregon Worker Relief

Oregon Working Families Party

Our Children Oregon

Our Community Birth Center

Our House of Portland - Esther's Pantry

Pacific Refugee Support Group

Partners for a Hunger Free Oregon

Partnership for Safety and Justice


People's Food Co-op

Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon

Plaza de Nuestra Comunidad

Portland Central Kitchen

Portland Open Bible Community Pantry


Reedsport Collective

Right To Health, Inc

RISEN Community

Rogue Farm Corps

Rogue Food Unites

Rural Organizing Project (ROP)

Sacred Organized Coalition

Sanctuary Committee of Temple Beth Israel

Sarah's Foster Care

Seed to Table Oregon

SEIU Local 503

Sisters of the Road


Social Justice Coalition, Central Lutheran Church, Portland

Somali American Council Of Oregon (SACOO)

Somali Oregon Service Center

South Coast Health Equity Coalition

Springfield Eugene Tenant Association

St. Timothy Episcopal Church

Start Raising Young African Lives

Sunbow Produce

Ten Rivers Food Web

The Next Door Inc.

Tides of Change

Tikkun Olam Committee of Temple Beth Israel

Tillamook County Board of Commissioners

Tualatin Food Pantry

Tualatin Valley Gleaners


Unite Oregon

United Congolese Community Organization of Oregon

Urban League of Portland

VIVA Inclusive Migrant Network

We Do Better Relief

Welcome Home Coalition

Western States Center

William Temple House

Willowbrook Food Pantry

Working Theory Farm

Zenger Farm

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