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Let’s build a future without hunger — for all Oregonians.

We’re powerful together

It takes all of us to end hunger. Join us by completing the Food for All Oregonians pledge to stay updated and take action.

Urge lawmakers to pass Food for All Oregonians

Together we can ensure Oregon’s youth and elders, including immigrants, can access the food we need to thrive. Help make Food for All Oregonians a reality by contacting your lawmakers today.

It just takes three simple steps: enter your contact information, use our pre-written message or personalize it, and send.

Food for All Oregonians is how we end hunger

Everyone deserves access to food. Yet more than 62,000 immigrant Oregonians are unfairly excluded from food assistance, despite paying millions in taxes.

Food for All Oregonians is working to pass policies that ensure everyone has the food we need to thrive. In 2025, we are advocating to expand food access for youth and elders, including immigrant Oregonians.

I am asking and encouraging everyone to support this campaign because it’s very crucial and a stepping stone to what [other] states are already doing across the country.

Petrona Dominguez Francisco

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